Heroes 5-0

Hawai'i Stories

My Bucket List

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HAWAII STORIES                                   

“My Bucket List”

The ‘Bucket List’…  is generally thought to be

  • A list of things a person wants to achieve or experience before reaching a certain age, or dying.”  
  • “In the Hollywood film (THE BUCKET LIST), Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson play terminal cancer patients living it up while they still can. However, today a ‘bucket list’ doesn’t have to be so morbid.”
  • Creating a bucket list allows you to think about what you really want to create for yourself and your life.  It allows you to dream bigger about all you want to achieve and experience.”
  • Another short word for bucket list could be goals or dreamsThese words encapsulate the essence of a bucket list, which is a list of things a person wants to achieve or experience in their lifetime.

  • Paul “Kimo” Jameson (79, business management consultant)

“I’ve been in this exciting line of work of mine for almost 25-years now; made that career change commitment when I had just turned 65.  Best decision made in my life…  Now, as to a ‘Bucket List’, yes, there are a couple of goals I’ve promised myself.”

“I have to admit immediate on that list of mine just happens to be— TO ATTEND THE WORLD OLYMPIC GAMES’!!!  Yes, as in— The Paris Summer Olympics 2024…  Great, huh??  You know, previously I had already bought tickets to attend the ‘Tokyo Summer Olympics 2022’; but, the COVID Pandemic happened, so the games were cancelled (and I lost money—no full ticket refund).  No worries; now I’m all set to travel to the Olympic Summer Games Paris2024, and ready to scratch that one goal off my Bucket List!!”

“Hold on…  I have another ‘must do’ on that Bucket List.  You see, ever since I was a young kid I was really fascinated with the MONARCH BUTTERFLY.  First of all, the beautiful Monarchs are present in the Pacific islands wherever their host plant exists.  They arrived in Hawaii around 1850, not long after the introduction of the host plants known as the tropical milkweed; and also, the crown flower plant (btw— crown flower blossoms make beautiful Hawaiian leis!!).  How the Monarchs arrived here in the islands still really isn’t known.”

“Research, however, indicate these Monarchs are capable of great migrations; and, for me, I am especially intrigued with their migration patterns in the continental U.S.—in particular, The Eastern North America habitat pattern.”

“Now, get this… 

  • (Research indicate) … ‘each Fall, North American monarchs travel from their summer breeding grounds to overwintering locations. East of the Rocky Mountains, monarchs travel up to an astonishing 3,000 miles to central Mexico; whereas the shorter migration west of the Rockies is to the California coast’.   
  • (Another factoid) …’monarch butterflies can travel between 50-100 miles a day; it can take up to two months to complete their journey. The farthest ranging monarch butterfly recorded traveled 265 miles in one day.’…”.

“So, what does all this have to do with my ‘Bucket List’?  Well, my bucket-goal (if you will) is to finish my research project on the Monarch Butterfly North America Migration which I have been working on for some three years now…  Why??  I want to get my paper finalized for possible publication.  I really hope I will have a completed manuscript for publication by 2025.”


(Editor’s Bucket List Goal)

  • Female divers in the South Korean province of Jeju provide for their livelihood by harvesting a variety of mollusks, seaweed, and other sea life from the ocean. These women are known for their independent spirit and determination, and are representative of the semi-matriarchal family structure of Jeju.” (Wikipedia) 

My Must Do Dream is to have my picture taken with these – ‘FANTASTIC JEJU ISLAND ‘SEA WOMEN’




E. Tiwanak



Author: Heroes 5-0


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