Heroes 5-0

Hawai'i Stories

Generation What

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“Generation What??”

According to Pew Research Centergenerations are defined as “groups of people born within the same 15- to 20-year span.  These divided time periods can help us understand how worldview is shaped by the events that occur during our lifetime”  Further, generation can also be described as, “the average period, generally considered to be about 20–⁠30 years, during which children are born and grow up, become adults, and begin to have children.”

And, According to The Atlantic…  the current generation of people being born is “Generation Alpha”, the first born wholly in the 21st century.  It covers 2012 to 2024—

  • Walter “Waltah” Harada (84, retired construction company chairman)

“I guess I am lumped together with those born before the start of WWII in 1941.  What was that again, — The Silent Generation’??  Must be true since I can hardly understand these younger kids anymore… always talking too fast; or not saying anything at all— and instead just ‘texting’ on their mobile phone.  Very annoying to me!!”

“Maybe ‘Yes’— that’s the reason we 1930-born types are referred to as, The Silent Generation… it’s too difficult for us to speak to the other ‘later-born-kids’!!  Poor people communication skills on their part.”

“And that’s the other annoying communication problem… the kids nowadays don’t seem to read books; only read stuff on computer tablets and on cell phones.  Also, they rarely seem to be going to movie theatres—entertainment is provided via video-streaming, or whatever these programs are called.  And, they even watch streaming on their cell phones (while wearing headsets)!!  Oh, yeah—and then, there are those social media app posts.”

“I bet my old English teacher (Mrs. Rodgers) at Farrington High School would hit me on the head with her favorite ruler if she had ever caught me just sitting there at my desk with the cell phone and headset!!  Yes, new Generation.  And as the Saturday theatre movie news trailers used to remind us—


  • Mary Alice Geer (62, insurance agent)

Gee, ‘WALTAH’—I didn’t realize you were born before WWII; heck, you’re like my father’s age—OMG!!  Maybe that is the reason you always seem to be counselling me regarding my work-habits—just like my DAD used to.  You know what I mean, in a guiding, caring manner, of course.”

“And, that’s just my point when you talk about the ‘Generation Gap’.  I mean like even kids’ names today.  I admit I’m a Boomer, and lean a lot toward Traditionalist.  I guess this is the reason I became a life-insurance agent; I just believe in taking care of family and heritage…  Even my given-name, MARY ALICE, speaks of my own old down-South family upbringing!!…  And, by the way—Mary means ‘Darling’ (that’s what my Daddy told me!!); and Alice was my Mama’s name.”

“But look at this new generations’ names for girls—OAKLEIGH; CHLOE; HAISLEY; RIDLEY; ASHLEY—all nifty and meaningful.  But, very different—at least from a ‘Traditionist’ point of view.  However, my ‘Boomer-self’ says in genre-jargon justification—

                                            IT’S ALL COOL, DADDY-O’…!!

Editor’s Final Picks (Guys)

               JESSE; SEAN; RAMON; VINCENT



            E. Tiwanak



Author: Heroes 5-0


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